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The Power Of Animals

I think often about how much being around pet’s has changed me. Through many cats, and dogs there truly aren't any that I don’t love. Now, over 23 years my family has had 7 pets, if I did my calculations correctly. We still have Bella who is now 19, the old bag runs the house, and right now leaves us Bella bombs on the counters every so often. Shadow who has a lot of nicknames, fat bastard and backyard bully are a few of them, goes outside just to roll around in the snow, weird right? Avery is the third cat, I got Avery in a time of hurt. I was lost, confused, angry and I thought a cat would help and she did. Now onto the big shits we have Mena, our rescue, now she may come across scary at first once you get to know her she’s the biggest baby. Then there’s Lola, now the reason I’m writing this is because of Lola. We found out last week that Lola has bone cancer, and not a whole lot of time left, which is devastating. Whenever I have a bad day she comes in and checks on me, she lets me cry on her when I need to, and even better she gets so damn excited when I come home.

I think Lola has warmed every single person who’s met her heart. She is always full of cheer and excited to give you the sniffs of the century. She may whine when you stop petting her, but just wants to be the centre of your attention. Now when I say this, she also is a shit; Like the prewash of the dishes in the dishwasher even when you tell her not too, or the fact she has ripped numerous bed sheets and mattresses. But you truly can’t have a bad day when she’s around. I could sit here and talk about every fond memory I have about Lola, but I’m going to take this time to talk about the importance of animals.

Animals live a short, but meaningful time. They become our best friends, our caregivers, and even sometimes our reasons for living. Whenever you are having a bad day or feel lost, and you have a pet, think about how when you get back they will be damn excited that you’re there. I often think about how when you open your heart to love something you often never think of the end but, when you’re faced with the end it hits you like a semi. Healing is what I believe animals are used for, they come into our lives to heal us, to help us, to give us something to be excited to see every day, for moral support, and even sometimes the best shoulders to cry on. Before any big presentation, I have repeated the sentences over and over again to any animal in my house, I will sing and dance in the kitchen while cooking with them, and I truly take care of them better than I do myself. I think about that ad to stop drunk driving often, the dog at home waiting for its owner to come back.. breaks my heart knowing that there’s pets being brought up in a neglected way. When your heart is empty, and you feel like there’s nothing to hold onto anymore remember that you are the reason for a 4 legged animal's happiness which is the best feeling I think personally. I recommend everyone to get a pet, especially when you feel underappreciated because at the end of every day you matter to them, and they are here to love and support you; Never to judge but only to care and take care of you, to show you there’s so much more to live for than just yourself. They truly are here for us to love, but they love us too. It seems like loving an animal is often easier than loving ourselves in times of hurt, they’re just constantly helping calm us down, listen to us cry and they care. Not only do animals help improve overall quality of life, they help us learn to love, benefit our mental health and give us something to look forward to too. With being home from work right now, school, etc getting a pet is the best thing you can do plus, you can spend all the time in the world with one. So if you are looking for a sign to go adopt a dog, cat, bunny, bearded dragon, this is your sign. They are beneficial to you, and you sure in heck are to them as well. Also, research has shown that having a household pet improves mental health, positivity and helps with learning to love. So I think those are all positive reasons to get a pet. I truly recommend when having a bad day, ask people you know to send pet pictures, it really helps brighten moods. Also watch Isle of Dogs if you get the chance, one of my favourite movies.

This one goes out to you Lolakins, you have impacted our lives forever. And thank you for all the memories We’ve shared together over this time. I won’t ever be able to open a cheese package and not think about you, thank you for being the greatest dog, and most of all my best friend in times where I couldn’t tell anyone the demons going on inside my head. But you knew, you just knew. Thank you for all the years of life, and I know your time is not over yet, and I’m very lucky to be able to be spending these last few however long with you. I love you more than anything doggo.

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